Purposeful Living | Weaving inspiration and faith into the Soul Threads Series | Step in and Transform
Many don’t know my journey as a passionate writer with the superpower of being a truth-teller. For years, fear of judgment and the early dream killer I encountered in high school kept me silent. You might wonder, what does that look like? It looks like having so much to say yet holding back—afraid to offend, fearful of rejection, choosing silence instead.
But in 2018, everything shifted. I found myself in a moment where I had to take a stand. A truth buried deep within me could no longer stay hidden. I spoke out. And that moment—though I didn’t realize it at the time—catapulted me into fully embracing my superpower. I wasn’t just a truth-teller; I had finally owned my voice. It was as if God Himself had enrolled me in a Giving Voice to Truth Master Class.
Some of my closest ride-or-die sisters have probably been waiting for this moment, whispering, She finally came full circle, stepping out of her hiding place and walking in vulnerability and transparency. And to that, I say, Yes! Another stronghold has been broken!
The Superpower of a Truth-Teller
A truth-teller is someone who not only speaks truth but embodies it—courageously, unapologetically, and in alignment with God’s Word. But let’s be real: many of us spend years hiding behind our truth.
Hiding looks like:
Knowing what God is calling you to do but shrinking back because of fear.
Seeing injustice or wrongdoing but saying nothing to avoid conflict.
Feeling a pull to share your testimony but worrying about what others might think.
If any of this resonates with you, you’re not alone. The enemy thrives in our silence. But when we choose to step into our God-given voice, chains begin to break—not just for us, but for those connected to our obedience.
Giving Truth to Power: It Starts with God’s Word
Owning our voice starts with anchoring ourselves in His voice. God's Word is our foundation, our guide, and our source of wisdom. But here’s the thing—understanding His Word is not about appearing deep or always having the right answer. It’s about living it in a way that transforms how we engage with one another.
Truth is powerful, but how we wield it matters. Scripture reminds us:
"Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone." (Colossians 4:6, NIV)
It’s not enough to know the truth—we must walk in it with love and wisdom. That means we don’t weaponize our words or use truth as a tool to control, belittle, or manipulate others. Instead, we show up in a way that reflects God’s light without partiality.
What Gets in the Way?
Let’s be honest—sometimes, we are the ones blocking our ability to reflect love and light. The spirit of control, overbearing attitudes, rudeness, slander, jealousy, and envy can all cloud our witness.
We’ve all been there. Woundedness, past trauma, and unhealed pain can trigger behaviors that don’t align with who God has called us to be. But here’s the truth: God loves us too much to let us stay in that place. He wants us healed and whole—mind, body, and spirit.
So, the real question is: What are we willing to release so that the divine fabric of our soul can touch the soul of another in a powerful way?
Living What You Read
I don’t empower and inspire just because it sounds good. I do it because God called me to. He assigned me to not just speak and write the truth but to live it. And sis, He’s calling you too.
So, I ask you: How is Living What You Read defining the fabric of your soul?
Your Action Step
Take a moment today to sit with this question. Journal about it. Pray over it. Then, ask God to reveal anything that needs to be released so that you can walk fully in truth—with love, wisdom, and grace.
And remember: Owning your voice isn’t just about speaking—it’s about living in a way that honors the truth God has placed inside you.
The world needs your light. Let it shine.
With Grace and Purpose,
Cheryl A.S. Hurley